The Role of Anesthesia Doctors in Surgical Procedures

Some people might assume that the work of an anesthetist is limited to giving anesthesia. Even though the duties and responsibilities carried by the anesthetist include many things, including monitoring the patient's condition and making sure the patient does not feel pain during and after surgery. Anesthetist is a specialist who is responsible for providing anesthesia or anesthesia to patients who want to undergo surgical procedures (operations) and other medical procedures. Anesthetists are part of the surgical team, which works closely with surgeons and nurses. The anesthetic action taken by this specialist doctor is in the form of administration of sedatives and painkillers. The goal is that the patient falls asleep and does not feel pain during the surgical procedure.

The Role of Anesthesiologist

Broadly speaking, the responsibilities of anesthetists include:
  • Provide perioperative services, i.e. medical procedures needed for surgery. This includes preoperative preparations, intraoperative services (during operations), and postoperative services.
  • Determine treatment to prevent and eliminate pain in patients, both in surgical procedures and in patients with certain medical conditions. For example in cancer patients, patients who want to give birth, and in patients who will undergo endoscopic procedures.
  • Provide emergency treatment, including resuscitation measures in critical patients and patients in intensive care.

Anesthesia Doctor's Responsibilities in Surgery

Anesthetists have assignments both before surgery, during surgery and after surgery. The following explanation:

Before surgery

The anesthesiologist's responsibility starts before the surgical procedure is carried out. At this stage, the anesthetist is in charge of making an evaluation before anesthesia, which ensures that the patient's condition is suitable for surgery. In addition, the anesthesiologist will also make an anesthetic plan that is suitable for the patient's condition. This includes what type of anesthesia will be used, as well as the method of breathing aids to be given. Some things that anesthetists consider before giving anesthesia include:
  • Current patient condition and previous patient medical history. The anesthesiologist will check whether the patient has had surgery, the type of surgery, the health problems he has (such as diabetes or heart disease). The patient is also asked to tell the doctor whether he or his family members are allergic to drugs or other drugs.
  • Type of surgery. For example, patients may need general anesthesia to ensure comfort and safety during major surgery.
  • The results of medical examinations include physical and supportive tests, such as blood tests or electrocardiograms (ECGs).

During surgery

Before the operation begins, the anesthesiologist will anesthetize the patient, and make sure the anesthesia works properly. During the surgery, the role of the anesthetist is still needed to accompany the patient during the operation. During the procedure, the anesthesiologist will monitor the patient's condition and vital signs, such as heart rate and rhythm, breathing, and blood pressure. In addition, the anesthesiologist will also monitor whether the patient feels pain or not.

After operation

After the operation is finished, the anesthetist's duty does not stop there. He is still responsible for monitoring the patient's awareness and condition during the recovery phase. This includes checking the patient's condition postoperatively and possible complications. Anesthetists are also needed to treat pain that appears after surgery until the patient feels comfortable.

Anesthesia Doctor with Special Specialization

Every anesthetist is trained to treat patients in the operating room, but not a few anesthetists take subspecialties, for example in the field of critical patient care that requires intensive care (ICU). There are also pediatric anesthesiologists who deal with pain management and anesthesia in children, neuroanesthesiologists who handle neurosurgery operations, and anesthesiologists who study pain management, such as chronic pain or cancer-related pain. Anesthetists are needed to provide comfort and safety to patients undergoing surgery and other medical procedures. He is responsible for the safety and health of patients, as well as the operation of procedures according to the procedure. For this reason, patients or their families need to consult an anesthetist before undergoing surgery.


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